What The Soon-To-Be Divorced Should Know About Divorce Mediation

6 Myths About Filing For Divorce, Busted

Divorce is common, but it’s still considered taboo by many people. Unfortunately, the taboos surrounding divorce has led many myths surrounding it to spread. If you’re getting a divorce, here are a few common myths and misconceptions you might have heard and the real truth behind them.   Men typically file for divorce: Women actually file…

hiring divorce lawyer

4 Steps to Make Divorce Easier

Most Americans aren’t prepared when they decide to divorce their spouse—emotionally, physically, or financially. Yet, divorce is common. Nearly half of all marriages will end in divorce. If you’ve decided that you and your spouse are ready to call it quits, there are a few steps you should take before you file the divorce papers…

Experienced family law attorney

What Can A Family Law Attorney Do For Me?

Family law attorneys specialize in matters that deal with family law such as divorce, child custody, guardianship, and more. Family law attorneys can act as mediators for your family when disagreements come up, and they can represent litigants in the event that a family conflict goes to court. That said, there are many different factors…

Leadership Signpost Showing Vision Values Empowerment and Encouragement at affordable divorce center

Signs You Need a Divorce Lawyer

Unfortunately, just because you get legally married doesn’t mean that your marriage won’t have problems. Many marriages end, particularly in cases where drug abuse, excessive drinking, or just common incompatibility are involved. Cheating is a concern when it comes to a lasting marriage as well If you are facing a divorce, you face many other…

Florida Child Support

What is Child Custody?

In Florida, there are two types of child custody arrangements: Sole custody: One parent is responsible for making major decisions, and the child resides with one parent and might have visitation with the other. Joint custody: This is shared parenting responsibility. Both parents must approve all major decisions involving the child. When you let a…

Divorce Signpost Meaning Custody Split Assets And Lawyers

Divorce Process: From Petition to Dissolution

The decision to divorce your partner could be easy: infidelity, incompatibility, addiction, etc. all can lead to divorce. The decision can be the easy part because the hard part is the actual divorce. Filing the divorce papers, hiring a divorce lawyer, negotiation…it can all be taxing for both parties of the divorce. Finding the divorce…