When going through a divorce, many individuals want the process to be over as quick as possible. Though it can be tempting to hire the first lawyer that an internet search spits out, legal experts and divorcees alike urge those getting a divorce to take caution. Choosing the wrong lawyer for your divorce case can make an uncomfortable and unhappy situation even worse. Before you sign a deal or a check, make sure that you’ve avoided these top three mistakes when choosing your divorce lawyer: Hiring the wrong type of lawyer There are dozens and dozens of different types of laws, and there are just as many different types of lawyers who specialize in specific legal fields. In order to ensure that you receive the best legal representation and guidance possible, be sure to hire a lawyer who specializes in the kind of law you’ll be dealing with. If your case will involve custody laws, for example, be sure that your divorce lawyer knows how to handle disputes with children. Similarly, if you believe that your divorce will be uncontested, consider hiring an uncontested divorce lawyer to keep the situation peaceful. Not having your emotions in check This may sound harsh, but interviewing a lawyer and constructing a legal plan will not be very productive if you’re extremely upset and distracted. Though the best divorce lawyers are often accustomed to working with upset clients, try to have a clear head before sitting down with paperwork. Hiring a cheap (and very busy) lawyer Your case may take a few minutes or several hours to figure out, but no matter the situation’s complexity, you need to hire a lawyer who has enough time to fully devote herself or himself to your objective. Don’t opt for an overly cheap lawyer if you can help it since they often have a higher caseload to make up for lower fees. On average, initial divorce petitions take zero to six months to be filed and served on the other spouse before a divorce becomes final– if you hire a lawyer too busy for you, this process could take even longer. The best divorce lawyers will make sure you have their undivided attention, and that they have enough time in their schedule prepare your case and achieve your legal objectives quickly. Hiring a divorce lawyer can be a tricky process. Separate quickly and with as little hassle as possible by avoiding these three crucial mistakes