Getting a divorce is a difficult and potentially time-consuming process. For most cases, the time it takes from filing for divorce to reaching a settlement can be between zero and six months. Handling this on your own is just not an option. To make sure your interests are fairly represented, you need to work with an experienced family law attorney. They’re familiar with the ins and outs of divorce legal proceedings and can help you reach a resolution quickly. Before you decide on a divorce lawyer, you’ll need to schedule an initial consultation. During this meeting, you’ll have the chance to get to know the attorney and decide if they’re the right fit for your needs. Here are a few of the most important questions to ask during that consultation. 1. Do you specialize in divorce and family law? Some attorneys specialize in more than one type of law while others focus solely on family law. When you’re navigating through a divorce, it’s important to choose a dedicated family law attorney. They specialize in divorce and will be able to help you throughout the entire proceeding. If you and your spouse are constantly arguing and having a difficult time reaching a consensus on settlements, working with dedicated divorce lawyers is your best bet. 2. How much will you charge for your services? Every divorce is different and will require varying amounts of research, negotiation, and court time. This can impact the total cost of your divorce, making it difficult for your lawyer to provide anything more than a rough estimate. That doesn’t mean they can’t explain their fees to you. If they have an hourly rate, ask them to provide it to you in writing. Make sure to discuss any retainer fees and any other charges they might add to your account for their work. Reputable attorneys will give you this information happily. If an attorney does not wish to discuss their fees openly, find someone else to work with. Get Free Case Evaluation from us. 3. Who will be working on my case? In most divorce cases, staff members and legal assistants from the divorce law firm will help out. If this makes you nervous, don’t panic. Every staff member’s work will be reviewed by your family law attorney before anyone takes any action. If there are errors or problems, they’ll spot them long before you start the settlement proceedings. That said, it never hurts to meet those staff members just so you have an idea of who will be working on your behalf. Don’t feel like you have to go through a divorce on your own. Schedule a consultation with an experienced West Palm Beach Divorce Attorney.